Gents Hairdressers

Mobile Barbers in Edinburgh & Newcastle

Edinburgh | Newcastle

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Gents Hairdressers We Work With

Friendly · Independent · Qualified · Experienced

Selected through a variety of skills tests and security checks, Little City Treat only work with local Mobile Barbers of the highest standard meaning that you can be sure to receive the same level of service that you would expect to get in a high-end hair salon or barbershop, all in the comfort of your home, hotel or Airbnb.

All gents hairdressers are fully insured, independent and highly trained & experienced in the hairdressing services that they offer. Our booking system allows you to view the barber's profile, read their customer reviews and hair products that they use, before booking them to deliver all of your men's hair salon services to your door.

Sienna X

At Home Hairdressing & Beauty Services

Beauty Certificate

Highly Qualified

Barbers come from a variety of backgrounds from men's hairdressing salons, barbershops to private work. They bring with them enthusiasm and knowledge of the hair industry, and how to deliver the perfect gents hairdressing experience.

Beauty Certificate

Thoroughly Vetted

The gent's hairdressers go through a range of trade tests, qualifications and security checks, before offering their hairdressing services through Little City Treat.

Beauty Therapist


Barbers available through Little City Treat are independent and self-employed. They control their own availability and services that they offer and are paid directly by the client.

Gent's Hairdressers in Edinburgh & Newcastle

Hairdressers cover Edinburgh & Newcastle delivering a bespoke barbershop service directly to your door.

Areas we cover

Little City Treat gents hairdressers & barbers can visit you in your home, hotel or Airbnb in Edinburgh, Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and Tynemouth.

Barbers provide services to the postcode areas below.


EH1 to EH17 & EH22 1

Newcastle | Gateshead | Tynemouth

NE1 to NE13, NE15, NE16, NE20, NE21, NE28, NE29, NE30, NE31, NE32, NE35, NE37, NE40

Beauty and Massage in Edinburgh and Newcastle